
Colloquia at Columbia University

Episode Summary

Welcome to the first episode of the Stoa Podcast! This episode is a brief (and potentially chaotic) introduction to our inception at Columbia University as well as an opportunity to hear a bit about the founders: Perry Sidhu, Jonathan Karten, and Prakhar Gupta.

Episode Notes

00:00 Begin.

7:08 The 'Steel Man'

8:30 Steel manning dangerous individuals. 

9:40 Suspend your own position. 

10:58 Separating the idea from the individual. 

12:26 Steel manning the opposite. 

14:10 The University and acquiescing to student demands. 

17:01 Beginning of our Journey.

18:37 Jonathan's GS Story.

19:15 Prakhar's GS Story. 

27:00 Perry's GS Story. 

32:24: Challenging God. 

38:51 Conversations on a street couch.  

41:38 Philosophy of Humor. 

45:08 Colloquia inception. 

45:50 Are ideas dangerous?

48:10 Power dynamics in conversation. 

58:26 Plato's theory of play. 

59:29 Red/Blue Team

1:03:45 Playing with ideas. 

1:07:48 Favorite Stoas. 

1:12:30 Professor Abe Haak Event

1:16:37 Jonathan's Hot Seat

1:20:55 Steel Man: Hiroshima bombing. Topic in a Hat. 

1:23:23 Stoa: Colloquia Critique 

1:27:19 Stoa: Monitoring Chinese Students

1:34:43 Hopes for the future. 

1:37:51 Humility and Death. 

1:42:55 The utility of Philosophy. 

1:46:37 The University as a bubble. 

1:56:43 What Colloquia did for Prakhar. 

2:02:48 The Stoa as an experiment. 

2:03:44 End